
Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS) is a non-profit professional organization that represents all Chinese language educators at all levels from elementary to secondary schools.

CLASS advances and promotes the teaching and learning of Chinese language and culture at PreK-12 schools in the United States.


1. To lead and promote the learning and teaching of Chinese in secondary and elementary schools in the United States;

2. To encourage effective collaboration and articulation among elementary, secondary and college Chinese language instructors;

3. To offer professional development opportunities and training in current teaching practices and instructional technology;

4. To foster a national network for exchanging information, ideas, and curricular resources related to the teaching of Chinese language and culture.


Announcement for the 2024 ChinHuei Yeh Memorial Scholarship


Submission deadline by October 10, 2024   


The ChinHuei Yeh Memorial Scholarship 葉金惠老師紀念獎學金       


Announcement for the 2024 ChinHuei Yeh Memorial Scholarship


Submission deadline by October 10, 2024   


The ChinHuei Yeh Memorial Scholarship 葉金惠老師紀念獎學金       


                                                                          CLASS 2024年开学季中文论坛正式上线

由CLASS组织的2024年开学季中文论坛今日隆重开启! 本次论坛以“科技赋能,革故鼎新,助力教学,再攀高峰”为主题,汇聚了十位经验丰富的中文教育专家,深入探讨科技在中文教学中的创新应用、沉浸式教学,以及丰富的教学策略。

我们荣幸邀请到ACTFL职业发展和证书主任Celia Zamora博士致开幕词,激励中文教育工作者在新学年迎接挑战,再创辉煌。