The 17th National CLASS Essay Contest (2020)

1. The topic for CLASS 2020 Essay Contest is: 



    A Time Capsule from the Year 2020


You are going to gather up to three items and create a time capsule. These items can be representative of your life in the current situation during the COVID-19 outbreak. Think about the people who might open it 200 years from now. What would you want them to know about your life during the COVID-19 outbreak?


Please think about up to three items that you will include in your time capsule. Here are some suggested ideas but not limited to:

  • What are your items? Below are some examples:

    • photos related to your distance learning 

    • APPs you have been using 

    • drawings, written notes of recent memories or diary

    • novelty and trending items of this time

    • something sentimental (for example:invitation/cards from friends, graduation card)

    • grocery receipt / (or photo) that reflects the stock up on essential goods during COVID-19

    • things that you use to protect yourself during COVID-19 (for example: masks, gloves, etc.),

    • hand sanitizers, disinfectant wipes/ sprays

    • any other items that you would like to write about

  • Why do you choose these items?

  • Where will you put the time capsule? 


2. Submission:  Please register your students with this link.  All submissions need to be in no later than Saturday, October 24, 2020. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all submissions are online only this year. 

Please use the following documents for your guidelines, and download the files as needed.

1. 2020 CLASS Essay Contest Rules

2. 2020 CLASS Essay Contest Pledge Form

3. 2020 CLASS Essay Contest Writing Sheet

4. 2020 CLASS Essay Contest Checklist

Please contact if you have further questions.